If you have spent any amount of time in a gym, you might have noticed people working with personal trainers. Sometimes they are working one-on-one, sometimes in a pair, and sometimes in a small group. Maybe you have seen semi-private personal training advertised and wondered what it is.
Semi-private personal training is when a personal trainer works with 2-5 people instead of one-on-one. Semi-private personal training has some really great benefits, and some things you should consider.
A personal trainer, as opposed to a group exercise instructor, creates a program that works specifically for your unique situation and goals. This is different from a group exercise instructor because typically group exercise instructors lead classes that you can drop into. These can be fantastic workouts, and they have a lot of benefits, but they are not planned specifically with your goals in mind.
With semi-private personal training, you can get the benefits of working with other people, along with the benefits of having a trainer who planned the program specifically for you.
Structure of Semi-Private Training
Semi-private training sessions are structured very similarly to traditional one-on-one training sessions. Since I primarily teach people how to lift weights to get stronger, leaner and healthier, semi-private training sessions with me are done in the gym. I always take the time to do an individual consult, even with my semi-private clients, so I can cater the session to each individual‘s goals.
If you work with me and somebody else in a semi-private training session, you might do the same exercises as the other lifter or lifters, but your set and rep scheme will be specific to you. The weights will be specific to your ability as well. We always make accommodations according to individual needs or goals, as well. For example, if you need extra posture work because you sit many hours a day, that will be added in for you.
Recently, my client Hannah has been training in my women’s lifting semi-private group for over a year, in preparation for her wedding. Even though she trains with 2 to 3 other women, we made some specific adjustments as she got closer to the wedding date.
Is Semi-Private Personal Training for Me?
Semi-private training sessions have many benefits, including the camaraderie of other lifters, improved learning from watching others, a lower cost, potentially some schedule flexibility.
Many of my clients who lift in semi-private sessions enjoy the company of their gym friends, whether is the camaraderie, competition, or both. Most don’t know each other outside of the gym, but I found that they had similar goals and made an introduction. Sometimes they needed the same time slot as each other, and sometimes they expressed an interest to work with someone else. If your trainer isn’t able to make introductions for you, you can find a friend to come train with you as well.
Many learning models suggest that people learn movements better both from doing and watching the new movements. In this way, semi-private training can help you learn faster, and continue to learn the lifts you are practicing together. I love this aspect of semi-private training! It might be the best benefits to lifters out of any of these.
Stuck with your training and weight loss? Check out my 3 biggest tips for losing weight.
Semi-Private Training Cost
The cost of semi-private training is often a bit lower than one-on-one training. Semi-private personal training costs are typically around 60% of that of a one-on-one session, and in a small group with an experienced trainer, you can expect nearly the same amount of attention for a fraction of the cost.
Read about how to find the right personal trainer for you here.
Consider Semi-Private Training
If you are thinking about working with a trainer, consider semi-private training. It’s a really great option to learn and grow with a few people who are on your team! If you are in the Austin area and are looking to train, I’d be happy to meet you for a free consult. Click here to be in touch with me about your goals, and we can discuss from there whether individual or semi-private training is best for you.
If you’d like to follow along with the workouts my lifting group does, click the link here to join. I am always available to answer any questions you have about which training program is best for you.
Happy training!
About the author
Kathryn Alexander is a strength coach and personal trainer in Austin, Texas. She loves hiking, college football, and the feel of a perfectly knurled barbell. Read more about Kathryn here.